Purpose of the foundation
The Coubertin meets Dunant foundation aims to promote sport and passion as a means of understanding, integration (with movement and encounters) and education in Switzerland and abroad. It emphasizes intercultural dialogue to overcome borders, eliminate ideological barriers, facilitate new encounters, create connections, and stimulate societal change based on humanism and mutual respect. The programmes funded by the foundation primarily support young people in their careers, encourage them to pursue their passions, dreams, talents and potential, and develop into personalities who actively help shape our future. The participants in some programs also benefit from the opportunity to obtain a recognized graduation certificate from educational institutions selected by the foundation.
The foundation launches its own programs and can finance third-party programs within the framework of the foundation’s purpose. The Foundation may also support programmes that have similar objectives to the youth programmes or focus on other groups of people, provided that they further the foundation’s goals.
As part of the pursuit of its purpose, the foundation is also geared towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): In particular, “Quality education” through the teaching of future skills and talent promotion, “Gender equality” and “Peace, justice and strong institutions”. The foundation can also promote passions in the field of art and culture in the sense of the competitions of previous Olympic Games (1912-1948) or support programmes, provided that these support the foundation’s purpose.
Any change of purpose is excluded. The foundation is denominationally and politically neutral and has a charitable character. It does not pursue any commercial purpose and is not profit-orientated. Third parties have no legal claim to the granting of foundation funds.
Reason Why
The foundation Coubertin meets Dunant is convinced that sport and education are effective tools to promote young talents’ potential, support their cultural integration and improve their skills in sports and in life. The foundation’s “reason why” consists in offering a chance to young athletes in difficult situations by supporting their development through sports and the promotion of education. The foundation wants to provide these young people from abroad who are passionate about sports the same opportunities as the young Swiss talents. Sport is used to facilitate new encounters and create connections in the name of Switzerland’s humanitarian values. By allowing athletes from countries with strained political ties to live, train and learn together, we build bridges between young people who share a passion for sports.