United Summer Camp 2024 | Coubertin meets Dunant

Mission of the Coubertin meets Dunant Foundation (What drives us?) Spor t is our passion. Spor t brings young people together and helps them develop positive values such as passion, courage, resilience and inspiration. The Couber tin meets Dunant Foundation wants to show that the lives of young people can be sustainably enriched through spor ts, education and dialogue. It has set the task of star ting a global movement that brings about social change through spor t. Vision of the Coubertin meets Dunant Foundation (Where do we want to go?) The Couber tin meets Dunant Foundation is committed to intercultural dialogue and believes that spor t can connect, inspire and bring peace to people worldwide. The programme aims to encourage young spor ts talents to develop their own potential in order to grow into personalities who can actively help shape and drive social change. Website